Tag Archives: auto title loan online auto title loan rates

Can You Stretch a Dollar?

Do you find yourself broke between paydays? If so, here are a few tips to help you make a dollar stretch. Start by creating a budget. Plan how and where you’re going to spend your hard-earned cash. Set aside a certain amount of money each payday for things such as groceries, utilities, cable, cosmetics, and leisure activities. Once you’ve created your spending plan, do not allow yourself to exceed the limits you have set. Open a savings account, and deposit a set amount from each paycheck. Only withdraw money in case of an absolute emergency. A new video game or a trip to the salon are not emergencies. Avoid spending money on things that are not necessities. Pack a lunch for work each day instead of eating out or grabbing a burger at a fast food drive thru. Those few dollars each day really add up in a month’s time. Do not use credit cards for things that you can’t afford. Hold on to receipts so that you may keep track of where your money went. Then, if you need to re-adjust your budget, it will be as easy as looking back and rearranging your spending habits. If you still fall short, consider applying for an auto title loan online. This can provide you with the instant cash you need to pay off other expenses & help yourself to get ahead. This way, you are able to keep your method of transportation, maybe pay off some credit card debt or catch up on other expenses that may have fallen behind, and even put some extra spending money in your pocket. Don’t be frightened by auto title loan rates as getting pre-approved for an auto title loan online can be very helpful in times of need. As with any bill, always make sure to pay your payments on time or even early to avoid fees in addition to auto title loan rates. If you’re working on establishing or re-building your credit, an auto title loan could be the perfect way for you to avoid hurting your score with another inquiry since no credit check is required. Apply today to help your dollars stretch as far as you need!